Dr. Jesse Kitundu writing:
This is one of the best months as far as the weather to visit Zinga in the Coast Region of Tanzania. We have chilly mornings and nights as sometimes temperatures drop to 20 degrees centigrade (68º F.) or below. The rains have stopped and the tall grasses around are drying out quickly. Often there are strong winds that make us aware of fire danger. Our neighbors have often started fires to burn off old crops that have spread to our property and have caused damage such as last year when a fire destroyed two of our guest houses.
Therefore, we are cutting the tall grass around us, especially around the hospital fence and the sea containers where we are keeping most of our in-kind donations. In some areas, we are pruning the big mango trees and digging trenches along the fences. In addition, we are widening our internal roads to minimize the spreading of fire should one come onto the property. These are preventive measures for wildfires to keep them from spreading. We are laying water pipes around the 64 acres for fighting fires should they occur.
Thank you for the support of funds for repairing and servicing the equipment you donated to us. We immediately put the John Deere mower and the Caterpillar Bobcat to work. They are invaluable for helping to keep us safe during the fire season and other times, also, of course, and we're able to use the rubble from the burned houses being torn down to fill in gaps and dips in the roads leading to the hospital.
The Outpatient Department is going well; we are already implementing the plan recommended by the board to improve the productivity of the Polyclinic. Patient services, the IT systems, and the dental unit are already functioning, in addition a OB/Gyn and a pediatrician are joining us as consultants in June. Community outreach programs are ongoing. This coming week we are visiting the DMO (District Medical Officer) and DC (District Commissioner) to explain the Project of the Children’s Hospital and to assure them that the MCHC (Maternal and Child Health Center) will be ready within this year.
Jafari has been visiting our clinic for five years now. He had a series of seizures soon after birth that caused brain damage. He is a sweet child, endeared to all of us who have worked with him. He has had no more convulsions. He recognizes most of us at the clinic and his smile is irresistible.
However, because of the severity of the problem, Jafari is not yet able to walk or, for that matter, even to sit independently. We are getting him a health insurance card so that all of his services will be subsidized by the government health insurance. Please thank Mary Pace for her unforgettable contributions in working with Jafari and continued coaching with his parents using WhatsApp. Please, see the photo,
We thank you very much for supporting paying salaries to the workers as well as your moral support at this hard time.”
“Mbarakiwe sana.” (Many blessings to all of you.)
Jesse A.Kitundu , MD
Paula and Denny writing:
The weather in Kansas City is reminding us now of the weather in Tanzania, warm days, nice nights for sleeping, birds singing to wake us up in the mornings, watching things grow in the gardens.
One year from now we hope to be “home again” in Zinga, hosting teams of volunteers and being part of fulfilling the mission of IHP, “To improve healthcare in Tanzania.” You're doing that now through your contributions, but “being there” is the best part of our lives, being involved, and seeing with our own eyes what your dollars make possible.
At 93, Denny is still remarkable. We visited his cardiologist this week who said, “You’re fine, come back in six months.” Denny is anxious to “hit the road again,” but even though we’re fully vaccinated, we’re going to continue to be cautious and await assurance that Covid is behind us before resuming our traveling, both domestically and back and forth to Tanzania. The U.S. won’t be safe until the whole world is safe and we don’t know who will be providing vaccines to countries in Africa. For now, Tanzania seems to have escaped the worst of the crisis, but with the variants, we must wait and see.
Finishing the Maternal and Child Health Center will open the services to the community in very important ways. First, women who are pregnant, or bringing babies/children for well-child checkups, won’t be waiting in the same area as folks who are sick. Also, it will provide a platform for providing community services such as vaccinations – provided by the government – and the opportunity for patient and family education, nutrition information and even cooking demonstrations. We can have classes in preventative medicine, HIV/AIDS education, hygiene and typhoid prevention, etc. We also envision having “free checkup” days for the community including blood pressure checks, diabetes detection and education, etc. These things will increase the awareness of services available. Your dollars make a difference! They help to save lives. Is there a better use for the money?
The sea container that makes up the back part of the building will be made into three examination rooms. The open central area will be set up for education opportunities. The side offices are for counseling and administration.
It feels good to help others. I think God hard-wired that into each of us. If you’d like to join in the work, please send what you’re comfortable with to:
IHP – Matt West, Treasurer
8016 N. Everton Ave.
Kansas City, MO 64152
Go to our website, www.ihptz.org and click on Donate
Call Matt at 816-985-4406 and he’ll put your donation on your credit/debit card.
Blessings and gratitude,
Paula and Denny
Selemani Shabani writing:
Hello IHP friends.
You have been so good to us.
Our vehicles were not working properly and in need of repair. We had no money for maintenance or repairs. With your help and support, the bus, Bobcat. car, and mower are all working now as you can see in the pictures.
We are all very happy here. You are the reason for lots and lots of happy faces here. Thank you very much for being IHP DONORS and for caring about the people of Tanzania. We are where we are now because of you. You are touching many lives here. MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS. "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden." Sele
Paula Lofstrom Managing Director International Health Partners, US & Tz Pray, believing Act on your faith and go forward. God is always with you. Love is always the answer.