Charles Powell, President of IHP US & TZ writing:
Our new registration in Tanzania is moving forward. As soon as we have that in hand, we will be set to commence with the next stages of the project. Again, we are so grateful for the unceasing work of Selemani, Miriam, and Dr. Bon.
Charles W. Powell, MD
Sele writing:
This is the time again where we update you of what is happening here Dodoma Tanzania.
We have managed to buy 26 acres of land for the new hospital which will be built. Thank you very much, IHP family for buying this piece of land. Right now, we are clearing the boundaries, placing the fence posts and later we will be running 2 lines of barbed wire all along our fence.
At the 25-acre parcel of land purchased for the Dodoma hospital.
It is a very good piece of land just on the village road. From the land to the main road is 4 kilometers, and from the land to Dodoma town is 13 kilometers. About 2 kilometers from this land there is a medical vocational school, and we are sure these students will be coming to our facility for practicums.
We are very happy to have hosted Josiah for 3days, who came from US, and he was able to see the new land in Dodoma. Josiah is among IHP DONORS and is on the IHP-US Board.
Selemani Shabani, V.P., IHP-TZ
Josiah Grimes writing:
Hello everyone! Reporting from Tanzania, it has been a joy to see the work being completed over here. In our brief time visiting, we have been able to see the hospital in Zinga, the two new parcels of land in Dodoma, tour St. John's University, meet with a city planner for the land in Dodoma, and meet with the Dean of the School of Nursing. Below are a few of the pictures with explanations. I’d like to thank Selemani specifically for his herculean effort to get us everywhere we need to go and his servant heart in doing so.
Picture with Filip Kitundu who is heading up the continuation of the work at the Zinga Hospital.
We witnessed a great effort from the people in Tanzania to use the dollars provided in the most essential ways. The need is great, but we experienced a refreshing desire from the people to improve their current state. Money isn’t going to superfluous expenses but really is being used to remedy the most desperate of needs.
We were able to anoint and pray over the land. The land is well positioned, has power poles on the north and east sides that we can bring power in from and assurance of water considering the neighbor has a water well. It is also 11 kilometers from the next clinic/hospital putting it out of reach for the most in need population of that area.
Additionally, to Miriam who made it possible for us to see the University and to meet with the Dean of Nursing.
Lecture classroom, need for instructors is great. Educators, without mics, normally teach to groups of 150 students at a time.
We met with the Dean of Nursing, Ms. Rachel Masibo. We were able to talk with her about the priority of needs for the school and the current condition of enrollment and other issues related to the nursing students. Currently the Nursing School has 1000 active students in their two programs, diploma and degree. St. John’s is 1 of 2 schools in Dodoma that offers a degree program. They have 1000 applicants a year on average and last year were able to take 150 new students. So, about a 15% acceptance rate that is prioritized by secondary school marks and national test score. They have a near 100% completion rate on the diploma program excluding a sizable minority of students that stop for lack of financial means. And about 70% of students that graduate find jobs at government run hospitals. With the remaining 30% turning to private clinics and hospitals for employment. The need for TRAINED nurses in Tanzania is great. As an example of some of the needs facing the faculty in the skills lab, they currently have 2 mannequins to practice on for all of the 1000 nursing students.
Skills lab at St. Johns. Supporting 1000 active students. They are incredibly thankful for those two mannequins that were donated by IHP! With that, many students have such limited experience before clinicals with real patients that at the hospitals many patients will not allow the students to care for them, knowing they likely have not received appropriate training. Rachel also mentioned that oftentimes the students are choosing between food or schooling. There is one financing option for the students at a 18% interest rate from the Board of Loans for students who qualify. So, the sponsorships that IHP is providing really is moving the needle for students who otherwise would have no shot at an education. Additionally, the buses that IHP provided are cherished by the students, many of them depending on them since the transport system in Dodoma is substandard. Rachel mentioned that the students have written a song for IHP that they are waiting to perform for us. Miriam offered to go and record it. So, it will be a joy to see that in the future. In recap, thank you everyone for contributing to this cause. The need is great. The work is strong. And God is moving through it. The people of Tanzania are beautiful and the opportunity to help is an honor. Trials and difficulties abound but let’s continue to press in because the fruit of the work is sweet and we are making a great impact and providing hope to many. Josiah Grimes, IHP-US Board of Directors
Paula writing: By next month’s Update we’ll start listing specific needs in order to go forward and how much each will cost. There will be cement and other building materials, day laborers to pay, and all the construction tools and machines that will be required to start this healthcare project for the underserved families in central Tanzania. With God, all things are possible.
There are needs all around the world right now, but with your caring for and devotion to helping people in Tanzania to proceed, please send what’s comfortable for you to: IHP – Duane Quanbeck, Treasurer 2420 No. 6th Ave. E. Newton, IA. 50208 Or Go to our website, and click on Donate Or call Duane at: 641-831-9170 You are God’s treasured child, created at this time to fulfill the needs of this world at this time. Blessings and gratitude, Paula and Denny
Paula Lofstrom Managing Director International Health Partners, US & Tz It is in kindness to others that we find true joy. Desmond Tutu A gift to the very poor can enrich the world. Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me.