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March 2021 Update from IHP

Writer's picture: David WestDavid West

Charles Powell writing:

The news is not always good. We are struggling this year to continue with the project at Zinga. At this end, donations are down, due to COVID-19, we have lost those who have left us to be with the Lord, and we have not been able to send teams to the complex. On the Tanzanian side, growth has happened slower than expected, a grass fire destroyed a couple of the "Round Houses," and maintenance issues have piled up. We have not been able to proceed with several projects that were interrupted due to travel restrictions.

While no decisions have been made at this time, serious problems require serious consideration and planning. The various boards have had several emergency meetings to address the issues, with more to come. We are trusting that God will give us the answers we need to maintain the project, and that He will show us the path to solvency of the current operations.

Charles W. Powell, MD President, IHP-US

Dr. Jesse Kitundu writing:

Here are two pictures of the same child.

The baby girl was brought to the clinic by her parents due to weight loss, poor appetite for 2 months, diarrhea and a fever for 2 the past two weeks.

All of this started when she stopped breastfeeding at 18 months old. As sometimes occurs in this area, the baby was fed only plain porridge (made from rice or corn) that provides only about 200 calories a day instead of 1000 calories a day as would be appropriate for her age. Her examination exhibited the clinical features of severe malnutrition, anemia and having a fever.

Lab results revealed some infections, and anemia, normal urine sample and chest X-ray.

She was treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics, vitamins, and proper feeding, including breastfeeding.

She has recovered, is eating well and no longer has a fever. Good weight gain. She has been taking iron supplements for 3 months.

Your help is needed so that our clinic will not fail. Thank you.

Jesse Kitundu

Denny and Paula Lofstrom writing:

Denny and Paula writing:

The clinic at Zinga is a place where lives are made better. People come in the hope that something can be done. They bring their children because they want the best possible for them, just like you do. Your dollars built the clinic. Your dollars have been paying the salaries of the staff. Thank you.

Another focus for IHP continues to be education. Miriam Mugo, our former Head Nurse, wants to return to school to get a master’s degree in Nursing Education. She’s also a single mom with two teenagers. We wonder if five people would be able to provide $100 a month to assist this wonderful woman in continuing her education and feeding and educating her children. Those of you who have met her, remember her. She’d be an inspiring nurse educator and would teach at St. John’s University in Dodoma. Teaching touches the future, it is part of the mission of IHP to improve healthcare in Tanzania.

If you want to help Miriam, or pay salaries for our staff, or to continue the building at Zinga, please send whatever you’re comfortable with to:

IHP- Matt West, Treasurer

8016 N. Everton Ave.

Kansas City, MO. 64152

Or go to our website, and lick on “Donate.”

Or call Matt at 816-985-4406.

Your dollars have done SO MUCH! THANK YOU! Covid-19 has put a pause on visiting Zinga, teams assisting with building and medical care. We plan on resuming all of that in 2022.

Tanzania has a new president. Please pray for Mama Samia Suhulu. She’s a fine woman, and we trust she will be a wonderful leader for Tanzania.

Sadly, several of our older donors, some in their 90s, have passed away, so we’re feeling the loss of their support. We’re asking you to help to make up the difference so progress at Zinga can continue.

Blessings and gratitude,

Paula and Denny

Dr. Kenny George writing:

Dear IHP friends and family,

We do hope you are all well and healthy and we pray that the God almighty keeps you safe.

March has been filled with a high number of skin infections and acute respiratory infections especially for children under 5.

I attended a 8-month-old baby boy who was brought in with a papular rash which was erythematous (reddened) which was not associated with fever but increased itching following the initiation of cow’s milk. The child was kept on cetirizine syrup and advising the mom to withhold cow’s milk. Your help is needed so that our clinic will not fail. Thank you.

Now the child is doing well and free from a rash. Selemani Shabani writing: Dear IHP DONORS, I sincerely thank every one of you for supporting this project. It is very much appreciated and well known to us that, without you, we could not be where we are right now. We have made this far because of you. You are very special to us. The workers are getting paid their salaries every month because of you. You are still supporting this project even though the world economy is shaken by Corona. You are still with us. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH.



Paula Lofstrom Managing Director International Health Partners, US & Tz Pray, believing Act on your faith and go forward. God is always with you. Love is always the answer.

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