Jesse Kitundu writing:
June is one of the nicest months to visit Zinga, with chill nights and cool daytime with no rains (dry season). Usually, during this time we have fewer patients than compared to the rainy season with high humidity and high temperatures.
Today is my first day of work after a short leave, there were not so many sick children at this time. As I said earlier, there are fewer patients now because they are at home enjoying their holiday. Instead, we had more adults, there were more young women who were waiting to see an OB/Gyn doctor.
When the school opens again, our head nurse, Eveline, who is back to work after her maternity leave, will continue with our outreach programs targeting girls in school. Previously we had visited some schools to talk about how to use the Days for Girls sanitary napkin kits to reuse the pads made from towels or other reusable material during their periods by washing them. We were glad that this was well-received especially in our society of Zinga. We thank you so much for having provided these kits. We expect to continue supporting the nearby orphanage too.
Apart from that, we already conducted a free medical “camp” for screening Cervical Cancer to the population around Zinga and Bagamoyo. This will continue. We are doing this in collaboration with the Government (district hospital) together with our staff. Our site was chosen by MOH [Ministry of Health] to conduct such camps because of the qualified trained staff and a good laboratory. More camps are planned for this year. All of this has been possible because of your support for our staff and for equipping our laboratory and imaging section. Free screening programs are very important for opening the doors of our clinic to the community.
For other services, we have begun supplying specialist services to the community like OB/Gyn [obstetrics and gynecology, Pediatrics, Dental and Pediatric hematology. All of these services are conducted once a week, especially on the weekends. Having such services is very welcomed by the government.
Dear Friends Mothers and Children, though the project has slowed down in construction because of Covid 19, we hope that things will go forward as before once things improve. However, at this particular time we continue strengthening our Outpatient department services by delivering good quality care particularly to the young ones.
May I say repeatedly with the economic difficulties your continued support for salaries to our staff to help to make all of this possible.
Asanteni sana sana. [Thank you very, very much.]
Jesse A. Kitundu, MD
Dr. Bon writing:
This is Zulfa Ramadhan 10mo with 14kg born SVD [spontaneous vaginal delivery] with 3.5kg.

She looks overweight but has proportional milestones seen in her child growth chart. She is now walking while hanging onto objects. Her mother brought her to us for advice on how to reduce her body weight.

I told her not to give too much carbohydrate instead protein. [In Tanzania, maise porridge is considered a protein instead of a carbohydrate, therefore is very high in carbohydrates and low in protein, but babies love it. [Think cornmeal mush.]
I advised her not to worry about her body weight. When she starts to be active walking, running, etc., her weight will reduce automatically.
The mother was happy to hear that currently there is no problem with her child. She was anxious because people kept telling her that her child would develop diabetes, heart disease and would have a delay with walking. We will continue with regular visits and checking her growth chart.
Bonaventura Mezezele
Paula and Denny writing:
Denny and I attended three church services yesterday two virtually, one in person, of three different religions. We learned something from each of them, and we learned that most religions in this world have one thing in common, The Golden Rule:
Christianity: So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.
Buddhism: Make thine own self the measure of others, and so abstain from causing hurt to them.
Hinduism: Do not to others what ye do not wish done to yourself; and wish for others too what ye desire and long for, for yourself.
Islam: None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.
Judaism: Love thy neighbor as thyself
Bha’i’Faith: Chose for thy neighbor that which thou choosest for thyself.
Though your near neighbors are not in Zinga, in Tanzania, they are the beloved children of God who created each of us, unique as we are, and dearly beloved. To them, you have expressed the Golden Rule. You are giving to others as you would want to receive for yourselves. Thank you.
Thank you for caring. Thank you for continuing to support the work. Please pray that Covid-19 and its vicious variants will not sweep across Africa and devastate life on the continent bringing grief and sorrow to families who love just as yours loves.
If you are able to give a gift to IHP to help to bring healthcare to those we serve, please support the work as you have done, or would like to do by sending a check to:
IHP – Matt West, Treasurer
8016 N Everton Avenue
Kansas City, MO 64152
Or go to our website, and click on Donate
Or call Matt at 816-985-4406
We do what we do because you make it possible. Thank you. Though Denny and I are still residents of Kansas, our hearts are in Tanzania. We will return as soon as it is safe.
Blessings and gratitude,
Paula and Denny
Selemani Shabani writing:
This is the time for us to give you the update with what is happening here in Zinga/Bagamoyo.
First of all, I would love to thank you for being the ones bringing the smiles to many faces here, this is happening because of your help and support you have been providing to IHP. Thank you very much for being there for us. You are our true friend and our Angel.
We still don't have much going on because of the shortage of funds.
We are still doing repair projects, filling our local road so that it will be passable during the rainy season.

We are using the broken cement blocks from round house 7. This is the house that was on fire. Even though the walls were concrete blocks, they became weak because of the heat of the fire and the concrete cracked. That's why we are taking down the walls and using that rubble for the road.

After that we are going to rebuild the walls since we have the blocks and cement. We are going to need the labor costs and roofing materials, and finishing materials. Once again, thank you so much for your support and kindness. We value your help and support.
May GOD bless you always. "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden." Selemani Shabani.
Paula Lofstrom Managing Director International Health Partners, US & Tz Pray, believing Act on your faith and go forward. God is always with you. Love is always the answer.