Jesse Kitundu writing:
Dear Friends of Mothers and Children of Tanzania, this July of 2020 is different from the past years, as we do not have teams of you around as we used to in prior years. It is quiet. We miss you!
However, even though you are not here physically, your support continues. We really appreciate that and thank you very much!
The outpatient department continues to serve patients of all ages. We are expecting to open dental unit services soon once we complete the registration with the Ministry of Health. This will allow us to serve most dental patients around Bagamoyo District.
We have already registered our imaging department and it is serving patients from other healthcare facilities since they do not have the X-rays and ultrasound services. Rotary International equipped both of these units, they are working well, and we thank them very much and the donors to local Rotary clubs and their districts that made this possible.
Registering these units separately will enable us to be more self-reliant and sustainable.
The friendships made with our volunteers and students and residents for the past 7 years here at Zinga will remain in our hearts always.
“Asanteni Sana na karibuni tena Zinga. (We thank all of you very much from Zinga). We are one!
Jesse Kitundu, President
Charles Powell writing:
The current situation has made for a strange perception of the world, and I am certain that it is not just for me. The world that seemed so small in recent years now seems no bigger than the room where I spend a good bit of time. Zinga seems like it could be 10 million miles away. Nonetheless, I am encouraged to hear that the work is progressing. Selemani is working on making bricks, smoothing walls, finalizing the finishing touches to the Mary Ellen Kitundu Memorial Birthing Center. We should all remember that the work and the needs at Zinga both continue.
I am also reminded that the anniversary of the loss of Mary Ellen has just passed. She would be proud and pleased with the progress that has been made at Zinga. May we continue with the work for which she had such a clear vision.
Charles W. Powell, MD - President, IHP-US
Paula and Denny writing:
Hello dear friends!
We’re almost there! The Christmas In July matching grant challenge has received 21,465.00! Surely our donors will make up this difference before the end of the month!
It has been most gratifying to watch the checks come in. Matt has been busy making the deposits and we’re watching the “pot grow” as we near the end of the month. Thank you!
As you can see from the notes from folks in Zinga, things are moving forward on the projects that are already started. Of course, plans for more are on the drawing board, just waiting for financing.
Covid-19 appears to be on the wane in Tanzania. Denny and I plan to return in April 2021 and to start hosting teams, but safety first, we’ll see how the virus is affecting the world by then.
Charles, Denny, and I will be making a video presentation that we can send out to churches, individuals, service clubs, etc. in order to do “virtual” fundraising this fall. We won’t be seeing you in person, but we so very much appreciate knowing that you’re there and continuing to support the work to bring improved healthcare to the people of Tanzania.
To make a real difference for the folks in Tanzania, please send checks to:
International Health Partners, U.S., Inc.
Matt West, Treasurer
8016 No. Everton Ave.
Kansas City, MO. 64152
Or: go to our website and click on Donate!
Or call Matt at 816-985-4406 and he’ll put it on your credit card.
Blessings and gratitude,
Paula and Denny
Dr. Bon writing:
On July 11th, I saw a neonate Jaydan, a male of 2 days post normal delivery at another health center. The child cried immediately. The mother is HIV negative and had got malaria prophylaxis.
This child presented with a high fever of 40 c (104ºF.) crying hard, not sucking well, but no convulsions, and no respiratory distress. On exam, everything was normal except for the fever and wet, foul-smelling umbilical cord stump.
Lab investigators. MRDT Neg
My diagnosis was neonatal sepsis.
The baby was treated with ampiclox neonatal drops and Gentamicin injection for 7 days plus rectal paracetamol (Tylenol) suppository.
I told parents to bring the baby back in 3 days. They did and the child was doing fine no more fever no wetness nor foul smell on umbilicus sucking well. I told the parents to continue with the medicine.
Yesterday child got BCG vaccination (to prevent Tuberculosis) and again came down with a very high fever and crying as before. So the mother brought the child back and we again saw the child who had a temperature of 40c (104ºF.). He was again given a paracetamol suppository. The umbilicus was dry and clean everything was okay. We diagnosed a post-vaccination reaction.
I told to observe if fever persists to bring the child back. But we have not seen him now for several days and the parents have not called or returned.
Dr. Bonaventura Mezezele
Selemani Shabani writing:
This is the time again when we give you an update of what is happening here in Zinga Bagamoyo/Tanzania.
We had lots of construction plans from June to December 2020.
Most of them have been postponed because of the shortage of funds and lack of volunteers from the U.S. It is hard even to make monthly payroll. But we are moving forward pole pole (slowly).
In order to proceed with making cement blocks, we need $34.00 per day to pay 5 workers who will be making blocks. This will be $34.00 times 14 days it will be $476.00.
The wooden slabs for carrying the still-wet cement blocks is $434.00.
So the total for making blocks will be $910.00. If we receive this money, we will be able to put 5 men to work for two weeks. We can get 8,000 cement block plus we can support their families.
The reason for making the blocks is that we have a lot of cement bags in storage that we bought during a time when the price was very low, about 400 bags. This cement has been sitting in the shipping container for a long time now. Since we have had big rains, and the container is almost on the ground we are worried we can lose that cement because the dampness would cause the cement in the bags to essentially turn into a useless rock.
That is why we came to the plan of making blocks and smoothing the walls for the MCH building using the cement we already have on hand.
The cost of smoothing the walls for the Maternal and Child Health building is $1,955.00. The door frames will cost $1,694.00. We will be able to smooth the inside and outside of this MCH building and installing the door frames.
I understand how the situation is for the whole world. But I am asking for your help and support so that we can save the cement bags we have, please.
We never expected this coronavirus to shake the world and shake the economy.
If you have any extra dollars please help, help.
Right now we have only 3 construction people who are permanently employed. They are working on the water tank stand for the MCH building as you can see in the picture.
We are not very busy because of the shortage of funds as I said earlier. The subcontractor hired for finishing the birthing center to do the jobs we cannot do ourselves has faced hardships also but promises now to come to finish the job thanks to the funding you are providing with the challenge grant. Thank you SO MUCH for that! Thank you so much for being there for us. You are so important to us. We are praying for you and your families. May God bless you for all you have and you are doing for IHP JEMA TZ. (Be a changer). Selemani Shabani Ihp Jema tz contractor
Paula Lofstrom Managing Director International Health Partners, US & Tz Pray, believing Act on your faith and go forward. God is always with you. Love is always the answer.