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February 2021 Update from IHP

Writer's picture: David WestDavid West

Dr. Jesse Kitundu writing:

Dear Friends of Children and Mothers of Zinga,

February 2021 is a month of hope for us as we continue providing service as usual by following and adhering to health guidelines. We are seeing more children and adults with respiratory infections. Most cases are of a mild type and usually the patients go home after being at the clinic. Though we are seeing the rise of cases with this pandemic, we thank God that all of our staff are doing well. Thank you for supporting us during these hard times and providing us with funding so that we can continue the service to our patients.

In construction, we continue plastering the walls of neonatal and surgical wing, is expected to be completed in the next two months. The Outpatient Clinic sewage tank must be emptied weekly because of the high water table and that gets worse during the rainy season that has already begun. We look forward to completing the sewage plan drawings and costs from the experts to build a proper sewage system. We continue appealing for that support whenever it will be possible.

Dear Friends of Children and Mothers of Zinga, we are missing you so much, but doors are always open as soon as the situation improves.

Karibuni tena [Welcome back to all of you],

Jesse Kitundu MD,

Dr. Bonaventura Mezezele writing:

This is a 15yo girl studying form 2 [a sophomore in high school] who came today with her mother just to say thanks for the service we provided to her daughter who had ear problem. The girl had not been hearing properly for 2 years. She had gone to several hospitals including Muhimbili with no improvement.

Two weeks ago she and her mother came to our clinic for treatment. The girl was found to have a fungal infection in her ear that caused a huge plug near the eardrum. I treated her ear with candid biotic ear drops and fluconazole tabs for ten days. She started hearing slowly five days ago. Then, we did ear syringing and removed a very huge plug of wax and instantly she started hearing. Today they came to say thanks.

Dear friends, YOU are the ones to thank. And I thank YOU!

Dr. Bon

Paula and Denny writing:

Your donations do keep us going. Thank you!

The bus provided by the friends of Christine Petersen, M.D. and First Lutheran Church in Newton, Iowa has been delivered to the St. John’s University School of Nursing. This is a REALLY BIG DEAL!

I’m copying here from part of a very gracious and grateful letter from Bibiana Mwaluklo on behalf of St. John’s University School of Nursing that will help to identify the people in the photo.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. The School of Nursing believes that the Students' Outreach Program will be done now without the students and lecturers stressing about how to execute the practical part of the Nursing Programs (BScN & Diploma) and the Medical Laboratory Technology Diploma Program. Bibiana

The photo includes, from left to right:

1. Selemani Shabani, Contractor of IHP-JEMA-TZ

2. The Chancellor of St. John's University of Tanzania is the Rt. Reverend Bishop Leo Mtetemela (vivid in the graduation Ceremony Dec.(2020).

3. Deputy Vice Chancellor for Planning, Finance and Administration, Professor Casmir Rubagumya.

4. Miriam Mugo

5. Bibiana Mwaluko

6. The new Dean, School of Nursing, Ms. Racheal Masibo.

Sele rode along with Bibiana Mwaluko and Miriam Mugo to Dodoma.

It is your donations that enable IHP to further education for medical students, MDs going for specialty residencies, nurses, and even an I.T. person to assist with the computer set-ups needed for modern hospital management.

To help with building the hospital at Zinga, and to assist with ensuring quality healthcare in the future for Tanzania, please donate to:

IHP – Matt West, Treasurer

8016 N Everton Ave.

Kansas City, MO. 64152

Or go to our website: and clinic on Donate!

Or call Matt is 816-985-4406 and he’ll put it on your credit card.

Denny and I have had our first Pfizer Covid-19 vaccinations. We’ll receive our second shots after March 5th. Meanwhile, we’re staying mostly in the house in Overland Park, Kansas. We are well, we are enjoying so much time in one place, and we’re so very grateful for your continued support.

Blessings and gratitude,

Paula and Denny

Dr. Kenny George writing:

Dear IHP friends and family,

We do hope you are all well and healthy and we pray that the God almighty keeps you safe.

We are still helping with lowering the burden of illness thanks so much for your support. We are currently seeing a lot of “flu like illness’’ especially children with cough and fever. Many patients come during the night time since we extended our hours over a year ago.

Last week I attended a 5-year-old boy who had a history of a cough for 3 days with a high-grade fever. He had crackles on auscultation also accompanied with a runny nose. He was treated for pneumonia with amoxicillin for 5 days and now he is quite fine.

Kenny George, MD

Selemani Shabani writing:

Dear Friends of the Children of Tanzania. Everyone here is excited because of the progress of the construction and the hospital. Every one of us is so involved with this project, the donors and who are making it possible for this work to be done. Though some work is not completed yet.

In the meantime, we are involved with the smoothing of the walls for the NICU (Neonatal center).

There are also small things, like maintenance and repairs and grass cutting since the rain is raining now. If the grass is let go, it goes over head-high and when the dry season comes, it is a fire hazard. We are thanking you IHP DONORS very much for everything you have been contributing for this facility. We really appreciate it. Thank you, thank you. Selemani Shabani. "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden."


Paula Lofstrom Managing Director International Health Partners, US & Tz Pray, believing Act on your faith and go forward. God is always with you. Love is always the answer.

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