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September 2022 Update from IHP

Writer's picture: David WestDavid West

Charles Powell writing:

We continue to make plans to return to Tanzania for a visit. It appears that we may even have a small contingent of IHP-US board members who can make the trip with me in January. I applaud both the dedicated volunteers of the board, as well as the generous donors who continue to make it possible to once again move ahead with plans in Tanzania.

At this time, we await final approval of changes to the Tanzanian board of IHP-JEMA TZ. As soon as the changes are approved, we can resume coordinating our plans and moving ahead with construction. Our capable project manager, Selemani Shabani, is updating cost estimates for us.

Please continue with your prayers to smooth the way for work to continue. Thank you to all of our donors for the many forms of support you provide, including time, talents, and prayers.

Charles W. Powell M.D.

Selemani Shabani writing:

Dear fellow IHP Donors,

It is the time again where we give you the update so that you know what is going on here.

On the 17th of September 2022, we lost our good friend and IHP TZ board member, Bishop G. Maghina. He was the one, who originally asked the late Mary Ellen and the late Peter Kitundu to help with the restoration of Iambi Lutheran Hospital in Singida.

The genesis of IHP was Bishop Maghina and he served on our boards, both U.S. and Tz until his death. His loss is felt deeply by all of us.

Bishop Maghina was buried on Sept. 24th, 2022, at the Lutheran Cathedral in Singida. I attended as the representative for IHP, provided the flowers and gave our condolences to the family and they expressed their sincere appreciation.

Best regards,


Dr. Kenny writing:

Hello IHP donors and families,

We hope you are doing well. We are doing quite well and standing strong to support the vision and mission of IHP.

We attended an 8-year-old girl, Rehema, who presented with a scalp infection that has been going on for over 6 months. It has been recurrent, mostly on and off which was a nuisance to her and her mom. She tried topical agents mostly which were non-responsive.

We diagnosed her with tinea capitis and the child was put on Griseofulvin, an oral medication. Currently she is responding well. We will continue to follow her closely.

Your support for our salaries makes it possible for us to provide the best care we can for those who come to us for care. Thank you.

Kenny George, MD

Paula and Denny writing:

Fall is in the air here in Overland Park, and we’re realizing that when spring comes, we will be back in Tanzania. We’re excited to be planning for that. Yay!

We’re expecting some Mayo Clinic medical students in March or April. We always enjoy having students and watching them learn about medicine in a developing world.

In May we’ll be hosting a team from Salt Lake City that has come to Zinga several times. And we’re now booking teams into 2024. Hooray! Life is returning to “normal.”

Covid has held us in its grip for almost three years. Denny and I have not spent this much time in one place since we got married! We moved a few times in Minnesota, we went on mission trips to Guatemala. We worked in Antarctica. We thought we’d retire in Arkansas, and we started going to Tanzania in 2002. Goodness, it’s been twenty years. When you say, “Yes” to God, fasten your seatbelt.

Your donations to the mission of IHP have made possible the most rewarding times in our lives. Thank you. The rewards of doing this work are certainly not monetary, but having the purpose of doing God’s work, of doing the best we can for the beautiful people in this world is the best work one could choose to do. Thank you, God. Thank you to each one of you for making it possible.

To continue to support the accomplishments of IHP, please send a check to:

IHP – Duane Quanbeck, Treasurer

2420 N 6th Ave. East

Newton, IA. 50208


Go to our website, and click on Donate


Call Duane at 641-831-9170 and he’ll put it on your card.

The $25,000 Christmas in July Challenge Grant for solar power for Zinga is at $15,280.00. We have until Thanksgiving. Please, help us to double the amount of your donation that will save our electrical challenges at Zinga, especially the digital x-ray. Thank you!

A special thank you, also, to those who donated $80.00 in honor of my 80th birthday! I absolutely love entering this new decade. With zeal I face each day knowing it’s a gift from God to do the work I was created to do. You are making it possible. Hooray!

Blessings and gratitude,

Paula and Denny Lofstrom

Irene Kaji is a resident in ophthalmology at Muhimbili Hospital in Dar es Salaam. With your help, IHP is sponsoring her residency. Her father was the ophthalmologist that worked with us at Nyakato. She writes:

My heartfelt thanks to International Health Partners for funding my studies for the past two years, may the Lord keep blessing everyone behind this Godly work. My family is grateful too.

Be blessed again and again.

Paula Lofstrom

Managing Director

International Health Partners, US & Tz

Pray, believing.

Act on your faith and go forward.

God is always with you.

Love is always the answer.

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