Jesse Kitundu writing:
Zinga looks green again after the fire of last month. Flowers are blooming around the houses again.
The rainy season has started, but the rains are not as heavy as they were last year. The road to the hospital is still dry. In collaboration with the villagers, Sele the contractor has agreed to work together with the village to repair the potholes by using the CAT Bobcat. How wonderful to have it as it saves a lot. Thank you.
The Children’s hospital project is progressing well; most of the units are waiting for finishing once the funds will be available. The RCH – reproductive child health clinic, Birthing center, the operating theaters, Neonatal ward, and the NICU and laundry will be at the forefront to be completed then followed by the PICU; we thank you and appreciate your support.
The services at the Outpatient Department we are doing well. Patient numbers have tripled since January, especially those with government insurance. The services rendered are highly appreciated though there are days that the queue is longer than expected. The availability and commitment of staff, medicines, laboratory and diagnostic lab, and imaging thought of the day is a real phenomenon in most of the other health facilities, and this is attracting more patients. It is one of the greatest achievements in this area of Bagamoyo to have such a facility.
Dear friends to Mothers and Children of Zinga, we really miss you physically but you all the time with us in our hearts and you will never be forgotten. Mbarikiwe tena na Tena (We bless you again).
Asanteni, (Thanks to all of you)
Jesse A. Kitundu ,MDPresident, IHP- JEMA TZ.
Paula and Denny writing:
There is so much to be thankful for. We are well, warm, and well-fed. So many are not. We keep in mind those who are sick, cold and homeless, and hungry. Your donations for the mission of IHP have helped to bring better health to people in Tanzania and for that, you’ve received more “God bless yous” than you’ll ever know. You are blessed.
Sele has looked a bus and for what the nursing students at St. John’s University School of Nursing in Dodoma.
We’re part-way there with the finances and we’re so grateful especially to First Lutheran Church of Newton, Iowa, and to an anonymous donor in Ohio, we’re well-on-the-way! Thank you!!
Having the bus for the nursing students will mean that they can do much more outreach into small communities and also be able to do their practicum at hospitals further away from Dodoma.
Another blessing you’ve provided is scholarship money for a pharmacy student, Glory who will be going to school in Dodoma.
This is a picture of Glory with her little sister, Jackie, who plans to become an M.D.
Additionally, we have one year of tuition and expenses (of four) secured for Irene, an ophthalmology resident who will be attending Muhimbili hospital in Dar es Salaam.
Providing education for deserving students in Tanzania is a strong focus for IHP. Thank you.
Dr. Kenny writing:
Hello IHP friends and family,
We dearly hope that you are doing quite well coping to the situation and we pray that the Lord keeps you in good health.
We are still working so hard to change lives.
We had a 6-year-old with abdominal swelling for 2 years. He was kept at home due to misbeliefs about hospital care. He presented with generalized lymph nodes and distended veins on the abdomen with hepatosplenomegaly (swollen spleen and liver) but had normal bloodwork, initially.
We diagnosed him with lymphoma at the clinic and was sent to a specialty hospital where he received therapy. His parents are glad they brought the child to primary health care.
Kenny George, MD
Selemani Shabani writing:
Dear friends of IHP,
We have reached the time where we are supposed to update you about the project.
Covi-19 hit the whole world and shaken almost every nation. Because of this, many people have lost their partners, relatives, businesses, jobs, and hope.
Thank God we still have our health. Thank you, God, for your Unconditional Love and Blessings.
Here in Zinga/Bagamoyo, I am reporting to you about the construction. As I said last month, we are not doing as much new construction due to the funds. However, now we are just doing kazi ndogo ndogo (little jobs). We have been servicing the air conditioners, cars, and the big generator.
We are also going to start doing the wiring for the MCH (Maternal and Child Health) building. This is because we already have the materials for it.
Thank you very, very much for being there for this project.
Thank you very much for being part of this project.
I am proud of having you IHP DONERS because without you we would not be able to do what we are doing now.
I pray for the best for you and your families.
Once again thank you very much IHP DONERS.
Selemani Shabani.
Paula Lofstrom Managing Director International Health Partners, US & Tz Pray, believing Act on your faith and go forward. God is always with you. Love is always the answer.